Genealogy of the Mittong Family and Connections with info taken from
Myers History of West Virginia)
'The Glover family is of English ancestry. John Glover, the first of whom we have any knowledge, immigrated to this country from England in the year about 1755. According to tradition he was still a young man when he came over here. This would lead one to believe that he was born sometime between 1735 and 1740. Upon his arrival in this country he settled in Wilmington, Delaware. He lived there but a short time before he married a New England girl and to this union several children were born. The names of only two of these children are known to the author -Amos, born in 1760, and NEHEMIAH, born about 1772.
'Sometime about the year 1781, these two brothers left Delaware and went to Western Pennsylvania -Amos locating in Washington County and Nehemiah in GREEN COUNTY.
'Nehemiah ...married DORCAS KOEN, sister of Isaac Koen who was an early settler of Wetzel County, VA. on what is known as the Wilson Haught farm.
'In the year 1797, according to Myer, Nehemiah Glover, Sr., settled on a tract of unbroken forest-land on the Marion County side of the divide near where Glover Gap tunnel on the B&O R.R. is located. Here he built a log cabin and moved his family. At that time this part of the state was sparsely settled and in order to obtain salt and gunpowder he had to travel to Wheeling, VA, which was then a small village. ...He died about 1845 and is buried in a private graveyard on Tunnel Hill near the site on which he built his log cabin.
'The village of GLOVER GAP is named in honor of Nehemiah Glover. '
Sixth of the thirteen children born to Nehemiah and Dorcas Glover, our ancester WILLIAM GLOVER was born at Glover's Gap in 1810 and died on 9 March 1881 in Ashley, Beaver, Elizabeth, VA. [see story below]
'He [William] married ELIAZABETH PYLE about 1831. The following are issue of this union: Susannah, ...ISAAC, John, William Riley, and a fifth child -dying in infancy.
The author then reports simply that 'ISAAC married Mary Horner' but records show that her name was MARY CATHERINE MYERS (whose mother was Delilah Horner).  |
Isaac & Mary Catherine (Myers) Glover
Generation #1: IMMIGRANT John Glover 1754
#2: Nehemiah Glover
#3: William Glover *
#4: Isaac Glover
#5: Thomas Jackson Glover
#6: Ira Russell Glover (see photo above)
Bear Hunting Account
1820 , Glover Gap, WV
From Sylvester Myers' (William's grandson) "Myers' History of West Virginia"
William Glover, grand father of the writer of this book, about the year 1875 related a story of his adventure with a bear when he was a small boy, about the year 1820. The story, as I remember it, ran about as follows : 'We lived near what is now the eastern approach to Glover's Gap tunnel, near the present boundary line between Marion and Wetzel counties. Our log cabin stood in a small clearing, surrounded by a dense forest. Bears, wolves and other wild animals were quite plentiful. Near the cabin, in a small ravine, there was a large spring, where mother was accustomed to do our washing. On one summer day, while thus engaged, her attention was attracted by a very emphatic signal of distress on the part of some hogs that were running at large in the woods near by. My brothers and I — there were some half dozen of us, most of whom were small 'tads', in home-spun shirts and bare legs — were playing 'Injun' not far away, when mother called us to go and ascertain what was wrong with the hogs. With our rudely constructed bows and arrows and war clubs, we started in the direction from whence the noise came, tearing through the brush and shouting like little savages. On reaching the scene of trouble, we found an old sow with her back broken; her little pigs were darting around, here and there, in a frightened way; while a large black bear was making off up the hill with a little porker in his mouth. It was easy to see that we had the bluff on Mr. Bruin, and we boldly followed, calling him all sorts of ugly names for daring to steal one of our hogs. But, finally, when nearing the top of the hill, the bear stopped and looked around. We immediately did the same, and hit only the high places on the return home. As long as the bear was headed the other way, we all made believe that we were very brave — 'heap big Injun — but when the bear stopped and faced about, we all suddenly became very home sick, and were not long in getting there.'
Myers, Sylvester. Myers' History of West Virginia. WV: Wheeling News Lithograph Co., 1915. archive.org. Web. Aug. 12, 2012. [blogger's 1st cousin 3x removed]
Mittong, Benjamin Franklin. Genealogy of the Mittong Family and Connections, 1926. Chapter 3
Photo: Isaac & Mary Glover from a Glover cousin--thank you, Rick! 2024